

Faculty/Staff Accomplishments and News Briefs January 2024

In this issue, we share the accomplishments of faculty and staff in history, the president’s office, and political science. We also include important dates to share with students interested in participating in CSA Day.

President Jo Allen will be the featured speaker at a Morrisville Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday, January 25. Allen’s presentation is titled “Leadership with a little ‘l”: Sometimes it IS the small things.” The event, which will be held at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary, is part of the organization’s . The luncheon series provides professional development and networking opportunities for women in business.

Associate Professor of Political Science Whitney Ross Manzo attended the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting in New Orleans, La., from January 10-13. She spoke on a panel about teaching LGBTQ+ politics and presented a paper on polarization that she wrote with Professor of Political Science David McLennan using Meredith Poll data. In that paper, they find that North Carolinians are more polarized by party affiliation than political attitudes. Manzo is also a member of the association’s Executive Council and will serve as the chair of the Undergraduate Research section for the 2025 annual meeting.

Professor of History Greg Vitarbo was one of the historians asked by Newsweek to predict whether the war between Russia and Ukraine is likely to end in 2024. The story, “,” was published on December 28, 2023.

News Briefs
Important Dates for Celebrating Student Achievement Day
The Undergraduate Research Program will be hosting Celebrating Student Achievement (CSA) Day this year on Thursday, April 18. Faculty and staff are encouraged to share these dates with students who are interested in presenting or performing on CSA Day.

  • Wednesday, February 7: Research Abstract Workshop with the Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee, 10-10:50 a.m. Carlyle Campbell Library Freeman Room
  • February 24 – March 8 until 4 PM: Abstract submission period
  • Wednesday, March 20: Poster Presentation Workshop with the Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee, 10-10:50 AM, Carlyle Campbell Library Freeman Room
  • Wednesday, March 27: Oral Presentation Workshop with the Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee, 10-10:50 AM, Carlyle Campbell Library Freeman Room
  • April 8-19: Submission period for pre-recorded oral and poster presentation videos for YouTube Channel
    • NOTE: All presentations will be live and in-person; however, we’ll be asking students to pre-record their oral and poster presentations so we can post them on our YouTube channel following the event.
  • Thursday, April 18: CSA Day!

To view other CSA Day dates and deadlines go to

For questions: Please email research@meredith.edu, or visit our Instagram Page ()

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
