

Commencement Ceremony Information

The college holds a commencement ceremony in May for students who are graduating in May and who have graduated in the previous August and December terms. Please check the Commencement website for information about the ceremony, caps and gowns, and commencement activities.

Application for Graduation (Intent to Graduate)

Students are required to submit the  to indicate the intent to graduate.

It is recommended that the name on your diploma matches your official, legal name. However, you may request a chosen name (first, middle, and/or last name) to be printed in lieu of your legal name. A chosen name refers to the name any individual uses to represent themselves, other than their legal name.

Important Items to Consider:

  • Third parties, such as employers, may not be able to verify your degree using the preferred/chosen name appearing on your diploma because of name mismatch.
  • If you decide to change the name on your diploma after your conferral date, you will be required to request and pay for a replacement diploma.

Progress Screen (Self-Service/Student Planning)

The Progress screen is the tool used by students and advisors to see the student’s progress toward degree requirements and is available in Self-Service/Student Planning. Students can access their Progress screen throughout their enrollment at 91Ƶ and are encouraged to check it routinely. Please note the progress bars and “At a Glance” information at the top of the screen, as well as the requirement sections below.

Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling graduation requirements rests with the student. Students should contact their advisor if there are questions about the Progress screen. If there are unresolved questions following a discussion with their advisor, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (919) 760-8593 or graduation@meredith.edu

Graduation Fee

A graduation fee of $125 will be charged to the student’s account upon submission of the Application for Graduation. Payment of this fee and any outstanding account balance is required to release the student’s diploma and transcript, and to participate in the commencement exercise.

First Destination Survey

The Office of Career Planning collects post-graduation outcomes for May, August, and December graduates using NACE’s First Destination Survey. Each survey opens approximately one month before the corresponding graduation date, and remains open for a total of six months. Students complete the survey on .

Checklist for Graduating Students

  1. Submit 
  2. Pay graduation fee of $125 (and any other outstanding account balance)
  3. Review Progress screen with advisor. After registration for the last semester, review updated Progress screen.
  4. Submit final program substitutions
  5. Submit Academic/Cultural Events
  6. Complete the First Destination Survey (Available through each student’s  account. For more information, contact career@meredith.edu.)

Important Deadlines for May Graduates

  •  – October 20
  • Submission of Convocations/Cultural Events – October 20
  • Submission of Substitutions/Exceptions – March 1
  • Receipt of Transcripts for Off-Campus Courses – noon Monday, before graduation on Saturday

Important Deadlines for July Graduates

  •  – October 20
  • Submission of Convocations/Cultural Events – October 20
  • Submission of Substitutions/Exceptions – June 1
  • Receipt of Transcripts for Off-Campus Courses – July 31

Important Deadlines for August Graduates

  •  – October 20
  • Submission of Convocations/Cultural Events – October 20
  • Submission of Substitutions/Exceptions – June 1
  • Receipt of Transcripts for Off-Campus Courses – August 31

Important Deadlines for December Graduates

  •  – March 20
  • Submission of Convocations/Cultural Events – March 20
  • Submission of Substitutions/Exceptions – October 1
  • Receipt of Transcripts for Off-Campus Courses – December 31

Attention Graduates: If you need a transcript to reflect your degree, please wait until you see the degree information showing in your Student Planning under the Unofficial Transcript tab.

Contact Information
141 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8593